On a break from writing end-of-semester papers for CCR651
and GEO781, I thought I’d shock each of them into a list of noun and noun
phrases by applying the same methods we’ve strung together for CCC
Online. Et voila! The lists aren’t meaningful in quite the way a
sentence-long summary would be. Yet that’s the point. They’re
differently meaningful, suggestive. Maybe even generative if I can trace
through some of the terminal knots tomorrow.
CCR651 (~14 pp.): Syracuse 25,
material 23,
place 23,
destiny 22,
city 19,
Marback 19,
work 18,
making 17,
Cushman 16,
project 15,
place making 14,
U.S.A. 14,
site 12,
ways 11, Afrofuturism 9, future 9, mall 9, question 9, cityscape 8, essay 8,
issues 8, spectacle 8, conditions 7, Destiny U.S.A. 7, people 7
GEO781 (~16 pp.): writing 49,
composition 35,
literacy 24,
applications 23,
studies 23, cybercartography 22,
students 21,
composition studies 19,
online 19,
mapping 17,
activity 15,
new 14,
technologies 14,
map 13,
media 13,
work 13,
site 12,
computer 11, Frappr.com 11,
Rrove.com 11, space 11, unit 11, course 10, integration 10, spaces 10
Most of what’s here is recognizable and unsurprising to me. But I
wonder what’s going on with "work," "ways," and "unit." Those stick out as
drab-emes. But I can snift those out with a quick search. I still have to
tack a conclusion on each of the papers and brush back over them with an eye for
concise wording. The general structures are adequate (the 781 paper had a
tight outline and I obliged most of it). The 651 piece needs to get
up to 15 pp. The 781 paper can’t go above 20 pp., and I still need to add
a few more quotations, three screenshots, footnotes, and a conclusion that’s
going to take at least 300-400 words. Plus, I need to have the 781 paper
in eight-page presentable form for a week from Tuesday, so I’ll have to back a
thinned version out from the longer one, smooth transitions, etc.
There’s a third project in the works, too, mostly flitting around among the
neural bounceways upstairs. I still have about three weeks to get it into
ship shape, and now that the semestral reading list is dwindling there ought to
be more room for pressing ahead with this last one.