Yoki Is Three

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Our dog had a birthday yesterday. I’m not accustomed to holding a grand celebratory event for a pet’s birthday, but Is. made a convincing case for the baking of cup cakes (with ice cream) in Y.’s honor. She also made a strong pitch for her own part as Y.’s surrogate when it came to extinguishing the candles. So that’s how it was.


  1. Way to go Is! You’re my kinda girl! How’s your dad and mom and brother doin’? oxoxdi

  2. Happy Birthday, Yoki! Molly will be celebrating her 13th birthday on Sunday (March 1st). It may be her last, seeing how she has gone downhill quite a bit. The latest is that she seems no longer able or willing to eat dry dog food so I’ve bought some canned for her.

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