Our dog had a birthday yesterday. I’m not accustomed to holding a grand celebratory event for a pet’s birthday, but Is. made a convincing case for the baking of cup cakes (with ice cream) in Y.’s honor. She also made a strong pitch for her own part as Y.’s surrogate when it came to extinguishing the candles. So that’s how it was.
Yoki Is Three
Reading Time: < 1 minute
convincing = “I want cupcakes NOW!” ?
Happy birthday, Y!
Way to go Is! You’re my kinda girl! How’s your dad and mom and brother doin’? oxoxdi
What a face! With eyebrows, yet!
Happy Birthday, Yoki! Molly will be celebrating her 13th birthday on Sunday (March 1st). It may be her last, seeing how she has gone downhill quite a bit. The latest is that she seems no longer able or willing to eat dry dog food so I’ve bought some canned for her.