Straightaway from the airport, I’m home from Phoenix, from the camp, and from
a John F. Red-eye that swooped me overnight from the Pacific zone to the Eastern
zone: a warp of seven hours’ time in four. Best thing about the 48-minute
hop from NYC to Syracuse is that I was on Jet Blue and so caught the Top Chef
smackdown (season 1 vs. season 2) on the Direct TV being piped into the seatback
in front of me. Another in the category of "best thing:" Jet Blue gives away
free wifi in their terminals. So, so sweet of them.
I have answered most emails, opened what USPS mail had piled up over these
four days (among the booty,
Jeff’s book and also
Raul Sanchez’s), and then answered a phone call. What’s this? A real
estate agent wishes to show the house? At 12:30 p.m.? Today more than ever
before I am tempted to dump the contents of my lugg-age in the middle of
the floor, put on my most tattered sweat clothes, and spread out on the couch
for a snoring, drooling, lag-alleviating nap whose dreams will whisk me to the
other side of this house-showing such that I won’t be able to confirm whether or
not, in fact, the torturous episode happened at all.
Friday afternoon I got a call from my landlord asking if he could show my house Saturday. Since I had planned to go to campus Saturday morning, I said sure. When he called back and told me that he wanted to show it at 9:15 am, I got a little irritated.
But what can you do?
By the way… the new color scheme is a change. Me like…
You know, you’re right. Can’t do much about it. I was able to persuade our landlord to keep the showings between 10-2 because Is. (okay, sometimes me too) likes to sleep just about any other time of day. A realtor called for a showing on Friday and had the gall to ask whether Is. was sleeping in case he might show the place late in the afternoon. We conceded. Come right on over! But I worry that I was unpleasant enough (given that we didn’t leave the house for the showing) that the prospective buyers hustled out of here just about as quickly as they came in. Doesn’t help much that LaLo is listing this place as a three-bedroom when, much to everyone’s shock and dismay, the third bedroom is built into the garage (an old accountant’s office with small windows).
Thanks about the color scheme. Figured I’d change things up. I can’t decide whether to call it the EWM coffee theme or the EWM ginger root theme. Important decisions like what to call the theme take me days to make.