Remembering to read a little bit of Barthes from time to time. I like
this one (from RB):
When I used to play prisoner’s base…
When I used to play prisoner’s base in the Luxembourg, what I liked best
was not provoking the other team and boldly exposing myself to their right to
take me prisoner; what I liked best was to free the prisoners–the effect of
which was to put both teams back into circulation: the game started over again
at zero.In the great game of the powers of speech, we also play prisoner’s base:
one language has only temporary rights over another; all it takes is for a
third language to appear from the ranks for the assailant to be forced into
retreat: in the conflict of rhetorics, the victory never goes to any but the
third language. The task of this language is to release the prisoners:
to scatter the signifieds, the catechisms. As in prisoner’s base, language
upon language, to infinity, such is the law which governs the logosphere.
Whence other images: that of choosing up hand over hand (the third hand
returns, it is no longer the first one), that of scissors, paper, stone, that
of the onion in its layers of skin without a core. That difference
should not be paid for by any subjection: no last word. (50)
After reading through Invention as a Social Act, I turned to this bit
from RB to untwist what I was reading about collaboration as a
dialectical process from Lefevre. No need to blur the distinction between
synthesis (anti/thesis wound together like a bread-tie) and "scatter[ing] the
Although this is as much because I was posting Barthes passages last year,