Good news arrived via email this morning from a long-time compadre,
Mike J., who’s freshly on board with a well known political action group for the next
two months. He just switched coasts in July, too, moving from San Fran to
NYC. And now, as I understand it, he’s off to Milwaukee where he’ll be
mobilized to one of a series of swing-states to move the
It gets better: he set up a blog for the endeavor: …And
You Will Know Me By The Trail. For me, it was a no-brainer to add to my
blogroll; Mike and I were at the same U. in the early 90’s, so I
wanted to sneak in a plug. As well, I am interested in suggesting his emerging
blog project as a bookmark/fave site for folks who are teaching
election-centered courses this fall. An on-the-trail voice from hotly
contested states might connect in some way or another.