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Tag: identity
Turkle, The Second Self
Sherry. The Second Self : Computers and the Human Spirit. 1984.
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Redd, “Dolla Outa Fifteen Cent”
Teresa, M. "’Trying To Make A Dolla Outa Fifteen Cent’: Teaching
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Selfe and Hawisher, Literate Lives in the Information Age
Cynthia L., and Gail E. Hawisher. Literate Lives in the Information
Age. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2004.
Gee, What Video Games Have to Teach Us
James Paul. What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and
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Vitanza, “Seeing in Third Sophistic Ways”
Vitanza, Victor.
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Selfe and Selfe, “Intellectual Work of Computers and Composition”
Selfe, Cynthia J.
and Richard J. Selfe, Jr. "The Intellectual Work of Computers and
Composition Studies." Olson 203-220.
Turkle, “Identity Crisis”
Sherry. "Identity Crisis." Vitanza 57-76.
Nakamura, “Race In/For Cyberspace”
Lisa. "Race In/For Cyberspace: Identity Tourism and Racial Passing
on the Internet." Vitanza 141-154.
Banks, Race, Rhetoric, and Technology
Adam J. Race, Rhetoric, and Technology: Searching for Higher Ground.
Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2006.