Nardi, Bonnie A., and Vicki O’Day. Information Ecologies: Using Technology with Heart.
Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1999.
Tag: diversity
Turkle, “Identity Crisis”
Sherry. "Identity Crisis." Vitanza 57-76.
Rheinghold, “Smart Mobs”
Howard. "Smart Mobs: The Power of the Mobile Many." Vitanza
New London Group, “A Pedagogy of Multiliteracies”
London Group. "A Pedagogy of Multiliteracies." Multiliteracies:
Literacy Learning and the Design of Social Future. Bill Cope and Mary
Kalantzis, eds. New York: Routledge, 2000. 9-37.
Diversity Writing
Marzluf, Phillip P. "Diversity Writing: Natural Languages, Authentic Voices."
CCC 57.3 (2006): 503-522.
Later today our grad group (CCRGC) is
engaging Marzluf’s
CCC essay in conversation for an hour. We developed the grad group at
the beginning of the semester as a supplement to what’s already a solid lineup
of colloquia. Why? Primarily so we could invite faculty for focused
discussions and devise our own brief sessions around common concerns (CV
workshops, conference proposal collaboration, practicing talking about our work,
reading stuff outside of coursework, etc.).