The Chronicle published a piece this week by Douglas W. Texter,
"No Tenure? No
Problem." Part-timers, it goes, can now make a pile of money (in the
neighborhood of $100k annually) by stacking teaching gigs at a couple of
different institutions. Texter offers ten principles useful for adjusting
one’s thinking while taking the plunge into the pot of gold that is
"entrepreneurial adjuncting." Among the guiding tenets: care, assume a
mercenary attitude, change what you read, change the company you keep, watch
Risky Business, and so on.
Tag: distributed
Dias et al., “Distributed Cognition at Work”
Patrick, Aviva Freedman, Peter Medway, and Anthony Pare. "Distributed
Cognition at Work." Cushman, Kintgen, Kroll, and Rose 199-208.