Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Ryan Pepper Gosling Spray

Ryan Pepper Gosling Spray

  • November's delivered a barrel of memes: a distorted copy of a copy of a copy of Novembers past. Only warmer.
  • Saw the Rhetcomp Ryan Gosling panels and had to ask around the office, "Who is this Ryan Gosling?" Somebody told me he was in a few movies and he is widely regarded as a sex symbol, a hunk.
  • I'm reading the new Vonnegut biography, And So It Goes. The opening section is a somber stroll through the early years during which K. longed for someone to talk to (before he discovered the magic of humor). Reflecting on his science-minded older brother, Bernard, K. said, "He was a boring bully. Never hit me, but he would talk and talk about science until my sister and I were bored shitless."
  • I like the idea, boring bully. Not to make too little of other sorts of bullying, but reading this got me daydreaming about how it would sound to say, "You're bullying me with boredom."
  • Just like everyone but me knows all about Ryan Gosling, I suppose everyone already knows the boring bully line. Those who've been bullied by this method chuckle politely if nervously, swallow their yawns, and notice oh my it's getting late.
  • The pepper spray cop meme is much more visually gripping than the Ryan Gosling frivolity, hunk or no. An image dominates, the whole world is watching, and its elements are vaulted into new relations with famous paintings, Mr. Rogers, the U.S. Constitution, and, well, "everything" (viz. "spray everything" meme). Notably, few among the "everything" have been non-humans. There's The Ugly Duckling, the baby seal and other sympathetic creatures, but few objects, few door closers, etc. Yet, anyway. Or I am to them as I was to Gosling.
Bookmark and Share Posted by at November 29, 2011 7:30 PM to Media