Monday, July 2, 2007

Many Hands, Light Work

Had we 10,000 helpers, each of whom would put away just one or two items (a sock, a book, a plate, etc.) from our piles of household goods, we would be unpacked by now. But no such luck. Still, I can't complain, considering A.) we had generous, strong, and willing helpers for most of the day yesterday, B.) we returned the U-Haul truck on time (calling this crap-heap a "truck" is the highest compliment I can pay), and C.) nobody was seriously injured in the .9 mile transfer of goods. My hauling wounds amount only to bruised forearms and a blister on the tip of my right pinky toe. The battered forearms prove one more defeat by paper: the 500-lb. file cabinet pretty much had its way with me, and it has been relegated to the garage until we can lighten its contents.

Now, my five minutes for blogging have expired. Ph.'s futon frame is the one piece of furniture that spent the night in the yard, and now I must dismantle it into pieces that will fit through the narrow passages into his room. On with the next phase: Many work, light hands.

Bookmark and Share Posted by at July 2, 2007 11:15 AM to Unspecified

It sounds like you all made it though the worst part of the move like champs. The unpacking phase can take as long as you want or can stand.

Posted by: joanna at July 2, 2007 1:05 PM

Through the worst part, yes. And it has been a tremendous relief to be out of the other place--away from the realtor showings and related stress (last minute cleaning, interruptions, and so on). Unpacking will take a week or so. D. and Ph., I'm happy to report, are much better than me at working through boxes steadily.

Posted by: Derek at July 3, 2007 8:52 AM