Monday, March 26, 2007

And Returns

Ph. and I whistled into the Syracuse train depot yesterday afternoon; we're home from the excursion to the conference. Everything is unpacked, laundered, put away.

I have plans to put the paper to an mp3 and sync it with the slides. I can do this, of course, because my talk was scripted. It's endlessly reproducible as a result. But recording will have to wait until I shake off the cough-inducing tickle that has been getting the best of me all day today. Sure, I could delete out any of the hacking and rattling that makes its way into the mix, but why? I'll just wait it out.

I turned in my travel receipts today, worked through a bit of grading and response, and circulated my diss prospectus draft to the committee for review at their convenience. That's enough for this day. More grading tomorrow. And I have to exchange a shirt at the JC Penney store and drop off the lawn mower for repair. The grass isn't green and growing just yet, but the snows have backed down so that only small, sparse, melting pockets interrupt the brown of yard, bold in their last stand against spring's rain and regreening.

A few more crumbs from the conference: here's the slideshow that went along with my talk at CCCC.

And the links to the beta testing (i.e., impermanent) spaces for the clouds and the maps:

Sliding Tagclouds by Issue
Sliding Tagclouds by Volume
Author-location Map
Author-Grad Program Map

If things go well, I'll have the audio of the full talk added to the slideshow and posted by week's end (which week?...excellent question).

Bookmark and Share Posted by at March 26, 2007 11:20 PM to Unspecified