Monday, August 28, 2006


Given that classes started today, I guess it is both appropriate and timely to declare that WRT302 is more or less together.  Along with tightening the schedule, I touched up a few minor things this morning. I also drew up a questionnaire to gauge familiarity and interest related to a series of twelve applications (not all apps: HTML, image work, Flash, etc.).  For the first time ever (in a class, day one) I projected a few slides onto the screen to frame our opening trajectories re digital writing.  The plan--the course's imagined topography--still feels pocketed in a few places, but I'll wait a week or two before deciding to shuffle anything for that reason alone. Also, I haven't come to terms with the role of just yet, as its unkempt state suggests.

Bookmark and Share Posted by at August 28, 2006 11:45 PM to Dry Ogre Chalking