Thursday, September 9, 2004

Thieves, All

Clicking through the register of my new bloglines account, I found this bit from Wired News called "Facing the Copyright Rap."  A triumvirate of judges in Cincinnati put their noggins together--clunk!--and ruled that sampling is a violation of copyright law.  Best part--even if the snippets are unidentifiable as a re-appropriation of another's protected works.

"If you cannot pirate the whole sound recording, can you 'lift' or 'sample' something less than the whole? Our answer to that question is in the negative," the court said.

"In the negative"?:  Does that mean 'no'?  Or must we find different ways to say 'no' because it's been used before in a song or two? (Aside: Simon Frith showed us the voice is an instrument, too, right?)

And I oughta stop here because it's too easy to fisk on the statement from the Cincy judges and because I should be reading Eagleton's book on culture right about now. But it's a problematic ruling for a whole heap of reasons, not the least of which--in my world--is a workshop I'm arranging on the remix essay later this semester.  Especially if we want to put students' work on the web, and especially if we want their work to re-appropriate copyrighted material in the public sphere, how should we distinguish between the tried and true rules about attribution when, as this ruling would have us accept, sampling need "not rise to the level of legally cognizable appropriation" for it to violate copyright.  As kindling to the (out)rageous plagiarism debate, particularly as we venture away from the paper-bound essay.

Bookmark and Share Posted by at September 9, 2004 10:32 AM to Media

I gave in to the temptation slightly, as you can see. You make a good point about remix essays; will you post some notes on your workshop when you have it arranged? I'd be interested to see them.

Posted by: Clancy at September 9, 2004 2:42 PM

Still can't beleive I read past your entry from last night on this very news clip. Makes me worry that I really did read it then suffered some kind of mental flicker--the kind of unpredictable, uncontrollable brain-skip that comes with too much reading. It's only week two and I need a mind defrag. Ugh!

I'd be happy to share whatever comes together for the remix workshops. They're only provisionally slotted as something with web presence and something with multimedial range (through PPT, probably, or iMovie, depending on whether I have time to play with it before the workshop dates). But sure, I'll definitely post what I have.

Posted by: Derek at September 9, 2004 3:20 PM