
Dinner Rolls

Building on yesterday’s remarks, another scene. Another ride around the store. Another checkout line discard. Where are the King’s Hawaiian dinner rolls in Canton’s Super Walmart?, you wonder. I don’t know about the rest of them, but you’ll find one package at register fifteen, just below the gift cards.



According to Google Analytics, this blog has taken hits from all U.S. states except Wyoming in the past month. I suppose it’s only fair to own up: I’ve neglected to develop many Wyoming attention-getters over the years, much less this month. So I tried to searchabout to find out what’s happening, tried to make sure everyone there is okay, and I learned about local controversy in Cody, Wyoming concerning Walmart’s liquor license. Apparently some think the Cody Walmart should be able to sell liqour, while others think it should not. A show on local radio station KODI provided a glimpse of the community divided on Friday when host David Koch took a call from an angry council member:

That prompted a call from council member Steve Miller, who repeatedly told Koch to “shut up” and also said “I am going to take you to the woodshed.”

See: things are heating up. By the way, the article shows the pronunciation of Koch as /cook/, which I understand to mean this is not the billionaire David Koch /coke/ who has been in the news this week. Who is to say whether billionaire David Koch would approve of liquor sales in the Cody Walmart?