
Synaptic, the Berlant-Stewart exchanges, base 100 writing, volleys dealt in increments (or multiples thereof). For the spring grad class, maybe 90s or within five words. An 84 word blurb is not a ninety. At 96, it must reach elastic band to 180. Or 175. A ninety can be one sentence. Or up to 90 sentences. It is meant to conduct a tiered practice. At once, measured habit, self-aware; at once, expressing questions as questions or connections as connections. Woe omicron variant whispers, though, What even is teaching now?


In the few spare minutes I’ve had this week, I’ve been trying out n-grams as a comparable with other text-mining processes. This still fits squarely in the category of “a lot to learn,” but I’m happy to be running Perl and various Lingua::EN modules on this (nothing super-complicated in the switch, but all of my previous Perl tinkering was on a PC). Today’s corpus was perhaps too small to yield many insights: just 2300 words across 10-12 email messages sent via WPA-L on Tuesday, August 24. All the same, insights or no, here the top five bigrams, with T-Units enumerated to the fourteenth decimal place, i.e., something like hundred-trillionth or quadrillionth position. Such precision is useful, I suppose, for avoiding ties.

Bi-grams (T-Score, count, bigram)
2.22372310460229	5	audience awareness	
1.72376348313075	3	writing centers	
1.72376348313075	3	writing spaces	
1.41265204574184	2	develop new	
1.41109052911059	2	new ways	

It looks like “develop new ways” is part of a trigram that shows up twice in the corpus. This script–a fine one, by the way–renders those three words into a 2×2 bigram. But that’s exactly what it was assigned to do.