Mitchell, W.J.T..
What Do Pictures Want?: The Lives and Loves of Images. Chicago:
Univ. of Chicago Press, 2005.
Tag: medium
Gibson, The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception
Gibson, James J.
The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence
Erlbaum, 1986.
Yancey, “Made Not Only in Words”
Kathleen Blake. "Made Not Only in Words: Composition in a New Key."
CCC 56.2 (2004): 297-328.
Johnson, Interface Culture
Steve Berlin. Interface Culture: How New Technology Transforms the
Way We Communicate. San Francisco: Harper Edge, 1997.
Rheinghold, “Smart Mobs”
Howard. "Smart Mobs: The Power of the Mobile Many." Vitanza
Manovich – The Language of New Media (2001)
Notes on Lev Manovich’s The
Language of New Media (2001). In the prologue, Manovich gives us what he
calls a Vertov Dataset–full-passage selections from elsewhere in the book
matched up with frames from Vertov. It’s a distinctive and memorable
way to open onto the project–self-sampling and re-associating, which emphasizes
(paradoxically?) the relational and modular qualities of new media objects, the
intertwined historical-theoretical trajectories of cinema and computing that now
constitute new media, the logics of selection, association and assemblage
driving new media, and the evolving lexicon of new media, from database, loops
and micronarratives to transcoding, [var]-montage and the tele-.
It’s all in the Vertov Dataset, then explained more fully elsewhere.