Things II

Where we live now the office has new Pella windows. Lalo explained to
me that they have ties to Iowa and were, on that basis alone, compelled to order
and install Pella windows from

Pella, Iowa


All of the other surfaces in the office are new, too: walls, flooring,
lights, outlets, wall plates, and so on. There are two windows. One
looks toward the house next door; the other faces the back yard–a marvelous
double lot overgrown with blackberries, wild garlic, wild grapes, choke
cherries, and so on. What we’ve gained in yard, however, we have compromised in
the kitchen and eating area. The office is a newly finished walk-in attic.
Neither of the windows is positioned such that a desk would sit comfortably in
front of it. This means that the pleasure of staring out through a Pella window
must be indulged on breaks, on intermittent standing stretching book-retrieving
breaks from whatever is happening at the wall-facing desk-table. Like the
fancy windows, this work space is, compared to all of the places we’ve lived in
Syracuse, "viewed to be the best."