Spring Breakneck

The paces have been slow to moderate. Here are the top ten or so
accomplishmabobs from the first few days of break:

(-1-) Filled out my bracket (not too late for you, btw).
(-2-) Revised my selections.
(-3-) Futzed with the XML for two maps I will be sharing at the conference next
(-4-) Revised my bracket selections again. One last time! Washington
(-5-) Re-read my CCCC paper and changed a couple of things.
(-6-) Avoided eating the Wheat Thins D. brought back from her mini-vacation last
(-7-) Sent and received a couple hundred emails.
(-8-) Played basketball with Ph.
(-9-) Crabbed at HR about my shabby dental benefits. I was told, more or less,
"So sad for you, my rotten-toothed friend!"
(-10-) Read a couple of articles and noted them to the diss blog.
(-11-) Eked out a couple of pages each day toward a viable prospectus draft.
Today, like yesterday, I told myself I would stop no matter where I was after
I’d reached 600 new