
We snaked
back to Phoenix from Whiteriver this afternoon, after a morning of sports
clinics and
closing ceremonies
for this year’s camp.  I had the chance to get a few
pictures with new
friends, and
on the return trip we pulled over at the winding Whiteriver canyon to pose with
old friends.
Then, after dropping those with evening flights at the airport, a few of us came
back to the
Scottsdale Chaparral Suites

and I walked over to the Fashion Square Mall through
the dust
, at one point ducking into a nearby hotel lobby where folks were
gathered for a conference on hydrogen plants.  My sense of time has been
severely disturbed: been adding and subtracting three-hour blocks to make sense
of how tired and refreshed I should feel.  In a few more hours, I’ll
get back on a
for home, via Chicago. 

More on the camp just as soon as I can get to it.