
You might have thought I was just horsing around
last March when I
posted a photo
I’d taken of a delivery truck from a local produce
distributor.  Silliness, you thought.  Sophomoric digression. 

Well, the email came today requesting an interview.  I answered with my
cell number.  Then came the phone call. It’s going to be a story about the
Syracuse Banana Co.; I was told it will run in the Daily Orange later this week,
probably Thursday.  No telling how many of my insights they’ll have cause
(or column inches) to include, but I hope they work in the part where I rattled
off a version of, "We’re accustomed to ordinary delivery trucks; then rumbles
along a bright-yellow load of good from Syracuse Banana Co.  Wow! Because
it’s a riff on the university’s hyper-orange mood, it’s memorable.  When
you’re new to campus, it’s the odd thing that’s still with you at the end of the
day."  Okay, so it was much more coherent on the phone.

Added: From the DO’s Pulp Section, Friday (1/20): “Search Peels Away Banana Truck Mystery.”


  1. Honestly, I thought for a long minute about that problem, and considered shrugging off the invitation. But then I doubled-back and figured, no harm in chatting about how odd and interesting the SBC trucks are. I definitely paused on it though.

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