1. Derek, you have got to show me how you create these wonderful images. What’s even more fantastic is that my fear of computers (and blogs) is quickly converting to a (I think) healthy curiosity!! You really need to teach the rest of us probies how to do this stuff! 🙂

  2. Hi Denise. 1. It’s not healthy. You’ve been warned! The images? Let me know when you’ve got a minute. Maybe the people running this place will let me cook up a mini-seminar in the fall.

    Hi Alice. Story of my life too. And, and! I just paid $1.75 for the coffee. btw, I left the dentist comment and your blog called me intruder, intruder. Weird.

  3. that’s because drupal requires sign-up and sign-in–very European and militaristic (i’m really starting to wonder if wordpress wouldn’t be better for me…at least freedom-wise. I’m sure Tony Blair’s got his hand in this somewhere). i could change it to something more politcally correct, such as “yo-yo” or “repeat offender.”

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